Hard Skills

Here are some of the certifications and credentials I have earned. There are more to come!

Google Analytics for Beginners

Google Analytics for Beginners teaches how to navigate the Google Analytics interface and reports, and set up dashboards and shortcuts. It also demonstrates how to analyze basic Audience, Acquisition, and Behavior reports, and set up goals and campaign tracking

Google Ads Search Certification

Google Ads Search teaches the building and optimizing Google Search campaigns. Certified users will exhibit the ability to leverage automated solutions like Smart Bidding and Audience Solutions to boost campaign performance for specific marketing objectives

Content Marketing

Test on skills in content marketing and application of best practices such as long-term content planning, content creation, promotion, analysis, and increasing results through growth marketing.

Social Media

Tests on the application of inbound social media strategy such as social monitoring, content strategy, social engagement, creating policies, and demonstrating ROI to stakeholders.

Inbound Marketing

Tests on applying inbound marketing techniques such as creating content, using social promotion, converting and nurturing leads, and marketing to customers.

Email Marketing

Tests on the fundamentals of email marketing and teaches the application of what was learned with HubSpot’s free email marketing tool.

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